Elizabeth Price Elementary School

Donated by Walter Grimes

Mrs. McKinney’s 3rd Grade Class 1962

First RowSecond RowThird RowFourth Row
1. Blake Clemmons1.1. Beth Ault1. Jeff Riker
2. Evelyn Rice2.2.2. Janice Cooper
3. Mary Amadio3. Henry Sweat3.3. Suzanne Groher
4.4. John McCaulley4. Claudia Zeber4. Walt “Chip” Grimes
5. Dave Blair5. Jay Pike (Judge Pike’s Son)5. Ray Tillet5.
6. Vicky Rhinehardt6. Jeff Brown6.
7.7. Rosemary Cuppler?
8. Kim Hoover (Akron Judge)
9. Mike Flickinger


  1. Roberta Myers

    I maybe wrong but I think row 3 #5 is Roy Tillet.

    • Beth Wilson

      Yes, the first name is Roy not Ray. His mother was my piano teacher.

  2. Kim Hoover

    Row 1 no. 4 Jolene Gove
    No. 7 Vicki McColgan
    Row 2 no. 1 Michael Menotti
    Row 3 no.6 Cindy Broderick
    Row 4 no. 1 Jeff Reiker (San Diego, Surgeon)
    no. 3 Suzanne Grohe

  3. Gail Emmitt

    Mrs. Penn, my first grade teacher, and probably Prices first year in existence , (I was born in 1949) embarrassed me in front of my class. To this day, I REMEMBER the effect that has remained with me. Gail Casto

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