7th Grade CF Black Tiger Football

Donated by Walter Grimes

1966 7th Grade Football (at Price School?)

A player had to be 12 and under and under 110lbs.

First RowSecond RowThird RowFourth RowFifth RowSixth Row
1. Kenny Nettling1. #74 Rick Henniman1. 1. 1. Coach Chaboudy1
2. Jim Nettling2.2. 2. Karen Chaboudy22
3. Kevin Heath 3.3. 333. Coach Bob Heath
4. Jay Pike4.4. 44
5.5. Craig Johnson55
8.8. #25 Jeff Blank
9.9. #72 Walt “Chip” Grimes


  1. Eva Massey Hinterlach

    That looks like Mark Blocksom in 2nd row , 4th from the right side

  2. Jim Milk

    This was the first Peewee football team for Cuyahoga Falls. Not associated with a school. #85 in first row is Jim Meganhart (sp?). #84 in second row is Jim Milk. THANKS!

    • rob calabrese

      i believe the school in the pic is preston- thats where they played a lot of their games. hey, jim- tell libby i said ‘hi’… rob calabrese

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