Spring 1950 – 24th Street and Phelps

Heslop Allotment built after WWII.
Looking north from front lawn of 2336 24th Street in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Taken spring of 1950. Cross Street is Phelps. State Road apartments are shown at the far right.
Two bedroom homes cost about $8,000.

My home had three bedrooms, living room, kitchen with eating area, 1 bathroom, basement, wooden floors, plastered walls, storm windows and landscaping. I purchased the house in 1949 when it was a year old and it cost $10,250. ~ Babette & Robert Wasnac

1 Comment

  1. Dennis Ferrell

    When I was a kid, our first house was at 1310 Monroe Falls Avenue. When I was around 9, we moved up the street to 2396 Frederick Dr. Both houses were built by Heslop.

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