1930’s Dear Santa Claus…


Taken from the 1930s The Falls News. Spelling and grammar retained.

P1280031Dear Santa,

I am a very good little boy two years, eight months old and have curly red hair. I would like to have a kiddie car and a set of blocks and a mother goose book. And don’t forget my little brother Glen.

Ralph Slick-  1574 7th Street


Dear Santa,

Alice Mary and I have been real good girl and boy. Alice Mary would like a doll and dishes and a ball and I would like a fire engine and train. I am 5 years old and Alice Mary is 3 years old. Good by.

Alice Mary and Albert – Cuyahoga Falls, O


Dear Santa Claus,

Please bring me ten racers, a football, a motorcycle, a train that winds up, a truck, aeroplane, little Tom Thumb course and a 2 wheeled bike.

Donald Lundy – Cuyahoga Falls, O


Dear Santa Claus,

I am going to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a electric train and anything you want to bring me, don’t forget the poor people. From your friend,

Tommy Brundage – 2435 8th Street


Dear Santa,

I am a girl 8 years old and I will be 9 on July the 7th and I am a good girl. I want a table and two chairs, a doll, story books and games. From,

Elizabeth Loyd – 1590 10th Street

PS Do not forget the poor. I wish you would put this in The Falls News.


il_fullxfull.419545317_5ndsDar Santa,

I am a girl 6 years old. I am too small to write. I am having mother to write. My name is Wanda Lee. I would like a pair of roller skates, a doll with curly hair, and story book. Don’t forget my little brother who is 4 years old. He wants an air plane and bike and sister Helen wants rollers skates, a doll and story book. We would like some nuts and candy and oranges. Wishing you a Merry Christmas, Wanda Lee Stanley


Dear Santa Claus,

I am nine years old and very good. I will be 10 years old in April 21 and I am getting to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a sandy-andy and a dump truck and fire engine and two story books and a game and that is all. Don’t forget the poor and please put this in the Falls News. Your friend,

Lincoln Lloyd Jr. – 1590 10th Street.


Dear Santa Claus,

My name is Mary Anne Scupholm and I live at 1859 Fourth Street. I just turned five years old. Please bring me a sweater, set of aluminum dishes, box of crayons, sewing box and big doll for my carriage. Also some nuts and candy and don’t forget all my little cousins, Jackie, Billy, Sonny and Buddy and please bring my Daddy some hunting boots. Don’t forget my papa and mama and all the other little kiddies. Yours,

Mary Anne Scupholm – Cuyahoga Falls, O


500-9Dear Santa

We are two little girls aged four and six and we are looking for you. Please bring us one crib, one dolly buggy, two sleds and two dolls that look like real babies. Love from

Lucie Ann and Jean McFarland – 3057 W. Bailey Road


Deaar Santa,

I am a little boy 7 years old and go to Stow School. I would like for you to visit me on Christmas Eve and bring me an army truck, a bus and a pair of house slippers. Your friend,

Bobbie Mitchell – RFD1 Cuyahoga Falls, O


Dear Santa,

I am a little boy, six years old and I go to school. Please bring me a motor boat, a gun, a go and stop sign, a tractor, football, pair of roller skates, scooter, and house slippers and oranges and nuts. I am a real good little boy. Your little friend,

Junior Hall – 1084 Stroman Ave Akron, O


Dear Santa Claus,

I have a little sister 8 years old. She can’t write so good so I am writing this for her. Will you bring me a blackboard and a doll baby and a pair of overshoes. I wear size 1 and anything else you wish to bring me. Yours truly,

Grace Cable – 1594 9th Street


0338d76e7d1f613aaf75723fa0ed9824Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy all year, my mother says so. I want a doll and some building blocks for Christmas. Also a drum and a tricycle. My little brother wants some building blocks and a mouth organ. Goodby Santa.

Richard Norris – Cuyahoga Falls, O

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