Water Works (Waterworks) Park

In 1935 the city took the kids out of the river and by building a cement swimming pool and bathhouse at a cost of $100,000. In the 1960’s the city built one of the finest baseball fields in the area within the beautiful park. During that time the field became the home for the Falls High team during spring session and was also used by many other teams during baseball season.

Today Water Works Park has a variety of recreational and picnic facilities while protecting and preserving the original beauty and atmosphere of our Cuyahoga River with its historic heritage. What are your memories of Water Works Park?

Water Works Park




  1. Dennis Myers

    Great memories. I was Lifeguard there in my junior & senior year’s at CFHS, class of 1953. A wonderful experience & great time of my life. Some fellow Lifeguards were Carolyn Wert, Sally Coolie, Bunny Bittner, Paul Bordenkirker, & Carolyn Hunt. A swell group & fun to work with. The Pool was a real SWIMMING pool. It was termed a “cold-water” pool so you really were refreshed after a swim in those hot Ohio summers. Some evenings/holidays the City authorized late-night swimming til ten o’clock that all Falls residents enjoyed. All Lifeguards had to have a personal interview with the Head of Department of Water & Power prior to hiring. Terrifying experience for a soon-to-be 11th grader! ha-ha. A really Wonderful Pool in a Wonderful City. djm

  2. Jamie

    I Spent endless fun filled hours on many hot Summer days in the 60’s at the pool. Mom would either come or drop us kids off and we’d spend the day mainly in the water having splashing fights, goading our buddies to dive (jump) off the high dive, underwater swimming challenges, etc. When the lifeguards signaled all out we’d reluctantly clamour out onto the warm pavement and seek our towels where if we were fortunate we’d have enough money left to buy a hostess fruit filled pie ( berry !) or some other treat (pretzel stick!). When the break was about over (signalled by the lifeguards climbing onto their lofty perches ) hundreds (seemed like anyway) of kids would line the pool to be the first into the water once the whistles blew. Then it was all on again for another session till the final whistle blew at the end of the day.
    These were memorable days where some of life’s lessons were learned, we relied on our imaginations and were free to be children unemcumbered by too many rules and parental supervision. Great memories!

  3. DONNA Clark Jones

    I lived just up the hill in the River Estates. I went there everyday to get that wonderful tan. Ha if we only knew then it wasn’t good for you. But that pool has many happy memories for me in the 70’s. I was a 1972 Cuyahoga Falls graduate.

  4. James Grant

    My parents lived in the River Estate’s in the 50’s and 60’s on Oak Park Blvd and every summer I spent most of my time at Waterworks Park with all my buddies having a blast. I also remember going to the nighttime splash parties and the great music that they played as the boys and girls were checking each other out. I was a 1964 Graduate of Cuyahoga Falls High School.

  5. Randy Mccrady

    How many Acres is Waterworks park?

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