Crystal Lake previously known as “Hart’s Pond”, “Cochran’s Pond”, “Little Pond”
The new grounds at Crystal Lake which promises by the location and by the beauty of the natural surroundings to soon surpass the old ones, have been made more attractive by improvements. Quite a number of lots have been leased upon which to build summer cottages. It looks almost like a miracle here to the old inhabitants who have known Hart’s pond or Little pond as it was called, to see the great change that has taken place. For years it was only a shaky marsh for rods around, but now everything is changed.
Nice walks, drives, swings and convenient buildings greet the eye on every hand and as the times will warrant, new and more expensive ones will be added. A new feature to be added will be the keeping open of the grounds on Sunday.
Akron Daily Democrat May 31 1894
Above: Myron Harrington & Co. cutting ice for the year at Crystal Lake.
Everyone has heard of Crystal Lake, a beautiful body of water, just north of Silver Lake. This is the place where the new resort will be opened. The lake consists of about 50 acres and is said by many to excel Silver Lake in beauty .On the west side of the lake there is a fine grove of 35 acres, which with little labor can be turned into a most pleasant picnic grove. For some time past the Akron & Cuyahoga Falls Rapid Transit Company has been endeavoring to secure a right of way to this place, and finally was successful yesterday.
Partial article from – The
Summit County Beacon May 2, 1895

Since the days of the amusement park Crystal Lake has been two feet below the level of Silver Lake. It is now to be surrounded by an 18 hole golf course. A costly club house will grace its southern shore.
Akron Evening Times – July 9 1919
Above: The Ravine beside Crystal Lake that leads to Graham Road. Now a part of the Country Club.
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