Christmas is coming! I hear people complaining and griping about everything between too many commercials to music being played too soon. We went from giving thanks to “It’s too cold, I’m broke and there are too many people in the stores”. When I wrote Memories of an Akron Christmas a few years ago I learned so much from those that lived before me. Sometimes I wish we could all go back to earlier days when people embraced the season with both arms and cherished it like it was their last. Gifts were made with thought behind them, groups of people visited friends and went caroling to neighbors and the infirm. Every local community made a point to help those less fortunate have a holiday as well. Making each other happy and joyful was the main focus for a the Christmas season.
In the Memories book I share traditions, recipes, Santa letters and advertisements – some of which I want to offer here in hopes of making you smile or perhaps dig up some fond memories.
Dear Santa: Please bring me a Christmas tree, a pony, punching bag, pair of gloves, a pair of boots. I am seven years old. ~ WILLIE JONES – Newberry Street (1906)
Dear Santa: As it is nearly Xmas and all the children are waiting for their presents I will not ask you for anything particular presents only whatever you have to spare. I wish dear Santa you would remind all the good people to remember the poor girls and boys who have no mamma and papa to make them happy and enjoy Christmas day and I hope dear Santa you will be so kind as to read my letter. ~ THERESA MAY FAULKNER – Cuyahoga Falls (1909)
Dear Santa: I am riting for my little sister as she is not big enough to rite she wants a nice dollie head and a pair of shoes for her doll and baby buggie and some candy and nuts please don’t forget my little sister Edna and my baby brother Joseph. ~ LEONORA NEFF is 5 years old. 603 W. Chestnut St
I remember it looking like this.Nice pic.
Click on the photo for the post and more photos…
I’m particularly fond of this Christmas Lawson’s ad where chip dip was 29c and you got a free loaf of lb bread with an orange juice purchase.