1. Woah, I would never have guessed there was a house there, or that it was so massive!

    Makes sense though, I suppose… what a monster! Great proch, a shame it’s no longer around.

  2. The record shop that was on Bailey Rd in the Arcade next to Hanna Pharmacy moved in on the corner of 2nd and Portage in the mid/ late 60’s.Nice to see new pics such as these.

  3. I hate saying this. But I remember the house and the library house just down from it.

  4. I think the house was a Dr. office. If I remember right he was a pediatrician, its where I got my ears pierced. The bank was where I had my first account when I was a kid.

  5. Second street had large houses all the way to the Library. They were torn down about 1959 to make a parking lot for the businesses on Front St. I lived in one when I was a child.

  6. Margaret

    were the earlier pictures taken in the 1950’s? My Grandfather and Da owned Pfeiffer Cleaners? Thank you!

  7. Can’t be any older than 1960, because I see a 1960 Plymouth in the photo. Beautiful ’59 Rambler wagon, too.

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